
Showing posts from December, 2009

Where is Manhattan Beach?

No its not in New York...its in California of course. I departed early from Augusta, GA (5:00 A.M. early) and arrived in Atlanta just in time to catch my flight to DFW (Dallas Fort Worth). Along the way I met a tall man with a large belt buckle, a ten gallon hat, and a pair of cowboy boots. Who was he? I greeted the gentleman and instantly realized he wasn't just your regular old cowboy. He was a professional! A professional cowboy, you ask? Yes. He works for the Brangus Beef Breeders Association ( ). The Brangus Beef Breeders Association is a group of beef cattle ranchers. This gentleman was not only a rancher but a liaison between the market, the USDA, the breeders, the packers and the ranchers. Whew...sounds like a lot huh? Yes, but this is the process behind our Big Mac's and sirloins. Upon arriving to Dallas I followed the tall cowboy off to lunch. We got so caught up in an invigorating conversation about cap tax and the pressures that it is