
Showing posts from 2009

Where is Manhattan Beach?

No its not in New York...its in California of course. I departed early from Augusta, GA (5:00 A.M. early) and arrived in Atlanta just in time to catch my flight to DFW (Dallas Fort Worth). Along the way I met a tall man with a large belt buckle, a ten gallon hat, and a pair of cowboy boots. Who was he? I greeted the gentleman and instantly realized he wasn't just your regular old cowboy. He was a professional! A professional cowboy, you ask? Yes. He works for the Brangus Beef Breeders Association ( ). The Brangus Beef Breeders Association is a group of beef cattle ranchers. This gentleman was not only a rancher but a liaison between the market, the USDA, the breeders, the packers and the ranchers. Whew...sounds like a lot huh? Yes, but this is the process behind our Big Mac's and sirloins. Upon arriving to Dallas I followed the tall cowboy off to lunch. We got so caught up in an invigorating conversation about cap tax and the pressures that it is

What is the "Make It Right Foundation"

In keeping with tradition...may you not have to wonder what this great foundation is. Please read on: Brad Pitt began this foundation after seeing the devistation in the 9th Ward. Today several homes have already been completed and displaced residence are happy to return and call their MIR houses a home. You can get involved! Donations are appreciated, but if you desire a more hands-on approach visit the site for opportunities to form teams to help. It's not just a's a's where memories were made...where first steps were taken. Help us get these displaced families home!


Perhaps it is a deep sense of wonder, a wandering mind, or wanderlust; regardless I'm always dreaming, planning, wondering. I think about things, perhaps to a deeper level, but nonetheless even the simplest. For example: What is a cannoli, What would happen if all the service workers (ie. gas station attendants) went on strike [perhaps I should thank them for not doing such], what it would feel like to be able to think of nothing at all (have you ever thought of that?) I guarantee your mind is always thinking about something, and what really classifies a run-on as a run-on anyhow (I mean it's the same strand of thoughts). As silly or as serious as this may take me, I hope to share thoughts, philosophy, beauty, the pure admiration of simple things...or just WONDER on this page.