
Showing posts from March, 2011

No Such Luck @ IAD

So its St. Paddy's day and one would hope to find luck while traveling. I haven't taken to the air and the adventure is already beginning, albeit I haven't seen too many lucky people just yet. Let's start with Carlos. Now Carlos was Spanish, but hey everyone is a little bit of Irish today...or so I thought. Apparently Carlos hadn't had his bangers and mash today. He wasn't in as festive a mood as I was. Carlos was my shuttle driver from Marriott to IAD. I tried to make light with him, but he remained silent...except for the "damn" which he muttered as he loaded my bags. I arrive at IAD and the lady ahead of me had an unlucky encounter with TSA. I remember the days of traveling alone with an infant, but this woman was trying to pack a BabysRUs super store through security. MAD WOMAN TRAVEL TIP: If traveling with a child under the age of do not need a car seat, you do not need a stroller system, you do not need a giant diaper bag. Ladies, lad