
Eat, Pray, Love - Live Life Out Loud

After being heartbroken Julia Roberts hits the road on a journey called eat pray love. As I prepare to hit the road running again, many people have told me this trip sounds like a movie - but I beg to differ - I call it living life out loud. The simple truth is this:  we are in this world but for a moment in time. Our job while we are here is not to acquire things, climb to top executive positions, or spend our time toiling away now thinking that we will somehow earn the money to buy that time back later. Life can and does change in an instant.  The world is imperfect, uncertain, and broken. The only certainty in this life is death. So in the short time that we have here, why not ask ourselves what of me do I want to leave behind, what memories do I want my friends and family to be left with, and when in the end I leave this life for the next, will I be satisfied knowing that I lived, loved, and experienced this world fully? I promise, we won't be remembered for being a proje

On the Road Again: Turning Back Time in Georgia

See the full gallery on Posterous So it has been a while since I've written from the road.  It's not that I haven't been traveling (I've been doing plenty of that).  In the past 3 weeks alone I've crisscrossed from D.C. to Ohio, to Annapolis (on Naval Academy Graduation Day no less), back to Ohio, and on to Georgia. This morning I am writing from downtown Augusta, GA.  I arrived back in the South on Saturday after a heavy overdose of pseudophed for my clogged up ears.  I took so much of the stuff, in the hopes that my ears would adjust while flying, that I probably caused TSA to put out a call to the DEA, FBI, CIA, and some number of other three-lettered agencies.  Needless to say, today is the first day that I actually realized that I was indeed, in Augusta. As for Augusta, there isn't much here, but it is where I come to find my serenity.  I telework from here about one to two times per month.  It is quiet, slow, and just what I need to clear out the

No Such Luck @ IAD

So its St. Paddy's day and one would hope to find luck while traveling. I haven't taken to the air and the adventure is already beginning, albeit I haven't seen too many lucky people just yet. Let's start with Carlos. Now Carlos was Spanish, but hey everyone is a little bit of Irish today...or so I thought. Apparently Carlos hadn't had his bangers and mash today. He wasn't in as festive a mood as I was. Carlos was my shuttle driver from Marriott to IAD. I tried to make light with him, but he remained silent...except for the "damn" which he muttered as he loaded my bags. I arrive at IAD and the lady ahead of me had an unlucky encounter with TSA. I remember the days of traveling alone with an infant, but this woman was trying to pack a BabysRUs super store through security. MAD WOMAN TRAVEL TIP: If traveling with a child under the age of do not need a car seat, you do not need a stroller system, you do not need a giant diaper bag. Ladies, lad

It May Be Slippery But I Love the Sweet Tea

I boarded the plane last night around 7:00 P.M.  A small little man with a Napolean complex was right behind me.  He rambled on about his large apartment in Dupont and how he had been bumped out of first class and how he worked for his dad...blah, blah, blah.   But for whatever reason, I entertained his conversation.  We boarded the 737 and headed for the far back of the plane (thats what I get for not choosing my seats).  As I passed through the first class cabin full of businessmen who were already seated, I paid no attention.  All of the sudden I hear Napolean say "he you wanna take a will last longer".  I turned around to see a fifty-something businessman look at him in disbelief. "What did you say", the man asked. "Did I stutter", Napolean replied. I kept moving for the back of the plane, unaware of what was going on.  As we got to our seats, Napolean turned around and said, "did you not see that man staring at you"? I

No Beer In Sight...Just Tail Lights

In a precautionary measure, I left work a little early to head into the I-495 abyss. I headed north for BWI airport. ETOA 1hour, 30 minutes. However, if one is from Northern Virginia you realize that it is rush hour 24 hours a day. In fact, if we added a few casinos we could give Vegas a run for their money as "the city that never sleeps". I waved hello to my familiar friends...the construction sign, the wreck, and the occasional decorative flare. Traffic was at a stand still. My flight was not scheduled to depart until 7:50, but at the rate I was moving I was going to be lucky to make that (mind you it was 4:30 at this time). I decided to pull a covert move and sneak up the BW Parkway instead of I-95. It might have saved me. I arrived at BWI, hopped the shuttle bus full of disappointingly, uninteresting people and rushed for security. A group of TSA's in training passed by. One of which said "that's ok, she knows I can't spell anyhow". Now I love my fe

Test for Talkshoe

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