Lessons Learned in an Airport

I recently got delayed in Fayetteville, NC because of bad weather.  I watched military wives come and go, many with young children, anticipating the arrival of their husbands from over seas or cross-country deployment.  These women were resilient and absolutely in love with being mothers.  I couldn't help but reflect on my own travels with my son (and laugh) as I thought about the lessons learned.

As I sat there I began to think about all the things I've learned in an airport.  Here are my lessons.

1.   You're going to meet weird people, interesting people, and potentially your next client/ boss, or business ally.  What you do with and take from these brief encounters is totally up to you.  Have you ever wondered weather or not these brief moments impact someone forever?  I have.

2.  Traveling with a child under 18 months old is a delight.  Traveling with a child over 18 months old is like being put through the washing machine on high cycle.  Help a mother traveling alone out!

3. If you have to pass gas...hold it.  Common knowledge people.

4.  Any man over the age of 12 will gawk at a woman traveling alone...it is just their nature.  Ask them to put your bag in the overhead...its a small price to pay for looking.


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