Day 1 - 11:20 am est

After a hold in Atlanta and some confusion as to whether or not we had all of the luggage on board (praying I still have clean underwear when I get there) we were off.

I boarded the plane and took a seat in between two women. One was on her way to San Antonio for a National Workforce Association Conference, the other is headed to my conference.

I always have wondered about the people I meet along the way, the business that gets done, and the stories that are told. My better half calls the people you meet "single serving friends", because you usually only know them long enough to share your life's story before going in separate directions. I guess it is kind of like a free single therapy session with a non-credential doctor you've just met.

Nonetheless, this flight proved to be no less interesting than all the rest. I began telling each of the women about work and travel, and listened as they told me about theirs.

Now, being three women, talk was quickly diverted to men. The woman on my right, we'll call her Ms. Atlanta, began telling me about traveling with her boyfriend.

"Oh, girl...after about 90 days ya gotta travel with the man. Mmm hmmm, ya know you gotta make sure he ain't crazy or somethin", she said.

I laughed and told her that my better half and I had done quite a bit of traveling in the past year and were planning a trip to Costa Rica for his birthday.

She responded by telling me she really had a desire to go to Disney World for her birthday (keep in mind she's probably in her fifties).

She said, "but the last time I was there Mickey Mouse got a full on grope, full hand of my rear end when I was taking a picture with him".

I nearly spit my coffee out of my nose, laughing...I looked at her, "shut up, really".

"Oh yeah girl, a whole hand full", she said.

We were then briefly interrupted by the flight attendant. Coffee, creme, sugar, and a biscotti...just the way I like it. Considering I hadn't had any breakfast I was inclined to ask for an extra cookie.

Ms. Atlanta offered me some of her Fritos, which while I thought it was kind, I also thought it strange.
TRAVEL TIP: don't offer your food to the stranger next to you on the plane. Even if your therapy session is going well and you're clear through the first and second marriage/ divorce stories...its just not kosher, let alone sanitary. I mean, that person might have been picking their nose before jamming their booger infested fingers into your frito bag. I mean, you're probably only offering to make yourself feel a little better about chowing down in front of your new friend/ therapist. POINT: if ever there were a time that its cool not to share, on the plane is certainly that time.


About 100 miles out I had to visit the closet (aka the bathroom on planes). They kind of intimidate me, so I tend to avoid them. But this time there wasn't a choice.

I headed towards the door...(Aka challenge # 1). Have you ever noticed how intimidating those doors are? Do you pull, do you push, do you slide..and better make sure you get it locked so the handy light comes on. Wouldn't want someone to open the door on your strategic closet maneuvers.
Feeling better I searched for the "flush" button (aka challenge #2). I hit what I thought was the flush button and a bell immediately chimed...oh no, it was the call button for the flight attendant. Now they were going to think that I had fallen in.
I quickly hit the button again and managed to find the "flush" button..strategically placed in a 007 fashion, slightly out of view.
Exiting the bathroom I headed back to my seat. So flustered, I walked clear to row 20 before I realized I had past my eat in row 14.
Returning, Ms. Atlanta and the other woman looked at me like I was..well a dumb blonde. Sigh...I settled in for the rest of the flight.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


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