Eat, Pray, Love - Live Life Out Loud

After being heartbroken Julia Roberts hits the road on a journey called eat pray love. As I prepare to hit the road running again, many people have told me this trip sounds like a movie - but I beg to differ - I call it living life out loud.

The simple truth is this:  we are in this world but for a moment in time. Our job while we are here is not to acquire things, climb to top executive positions, or spend our time toiling away now thinking that we will somehow earn the money to buy that time back later.

Life can and does change in an instant.  The world is imperfect, uncertain, and broken. The only certainty in this life is death. So in the short time that we have here, why not ask ourselves what of me do I want to leave behind, what memories do I want my friends and family to be left with, and when in the end I leave this life for the next, will I be satisfied knowing that I lived, loved, and experienced this world fully?

I promise, we won't be remembered for being a project manager or an executive "enter your title here". We will be remembered by the ones we loved for the time we spent, the adventures we took, and the memories we made. If we're fortunate enough to have had children, they may be the only true physical trace of ourselves that we leave, other than that it's nothing more than a story and a memory.

So...take chances. Love fully, openly and without fear. Be vulnerable, let your heart be known. Don't waste time now waiting for the right time later, because tomorrow is not a guarantee. Wait for no one and want for nothing.

When this world and the people in it fail you, and they will, continue your journey. It is your story to be written. Why not make it an adventure to be remembered?  No, you can't run from yourself or the hurt, but you can guarantee a story full of whimsy; A story full of love and living out loud.

And so the next adventure begins.  Let the journey begin.


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