On the Road Again - OH, DC, NYC

Greetings from the road again. Its been a busy holiday season. Travels began last Friday. I left early for Ohio and was greeted by 8 inches of blowing snow and drifts in the Maryland mountains. Travel was at a snails pace, but on a positive note I saved about 25% on gas mileage (guess that's not just an urban legend). Ohio included several fierce games of air hockey, a near death experience with my fathers driving, lots of food, 4 nights sleeping on the couch, and a partridge in a pair tree (at the Oglebay Festival of Lights). The trip back to DC was short lived. Long enough to shave my legs and repack for New York City. Five hours of sleep later I headed for the DC Metro. I metroed to Union Station, hailed a cab to the Greyhound station and was greeted by a line to New York that spanned round the building. I had an 8:30 ticket that I purchased two weeks ago, but that doesn't mean much following 30 inches of snow. It was first come first serve. One couple standing next to me had been stranded at Washington Reagan. Their only hope of getting a flight home today, was the bus to NY. The line moved forward, and just as I was about to climb aboard, the bus was full. Darn. I headed back into the terminal to lick my wounds and determine my fate, when the door opened and the driver yelled, "who is alone"?

I raised my hand along with 30 other people. The driver pointed at me and said, "you...let's go". Disregarding those around me, I headed for the bus. Eat or be eatin, I thought...followed by... I'm probably going to Hell for that. I climbed aboard, found a seat next to a nice international business consultant from Trinidad, and struck up conversation regarding oil exports, economic diversification, and corruption. Two hours later, and now were crossing the boarder into Delaware. Just another day ... FROM THE ROAD. Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


  1. UGH!!! It is cool to read about travel but this sounds like my old Road Warrior days.

    We get up to Great Falls from time to time to spend with family and friends. Quaint little town really.


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