Taking to the Air

Well if you're from the Northern VA area then it is no secret that winter is on its way. The first Alberta Clipper of the season is scheduled to bring snow on Sunday. In light of this festive news, I've made like a goose and headed South. It was a 3:30 a.m. start for me today. Packed my bags in the car and headed for the Bashway...excuse me... 495 Beltway. Even at 4:00 a.m. traffic and wrecks littered the road. A brief stop in nowhere to put my car in BWI's long-term parking and I headed for airport security. I must say I was a little disappointed that I didn't get a pat down. I'd been looking forward to that for weeks. Heck I didn't even have the excitement of a full body scan (too bad those new purchases from Victorias Secret go unused). After a short flight, with no bathroom mishaps, we landed nose up in Charlotte, NC. The airport was crowded and I meandered my way between people from concourse B to E. Along the way a few commonalities seemed to emerge. One of which was a lot of college football graphic tees. Apparently it is the social norm to advertise where you are from or where you are going by sporting the local teams logo. Weird. I had to laugh when I began walking behind a man in a suit (poorly tailored at that) who had forgotten to cut the stitched "X" that held his coat tails together. Salesman? Scientist? I don't really know what he did for a living, but I drew those general assumptions from his frumpy suit and lack of style sense. Its funny the little things that make an impression. Now, armed with my Starbucks, I'm watching the frenzy at the gate as they scramble to find the missing attendant...maybe even the pilot. Maybe they should check the TSA pat down area? Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


  1. I generally notice when someone wears cheap shoes with a nice suit...


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