Buses, Blizzards, and Budweiser?

And so the weekend is winding down and I'm back on Megasbus headed South. This weekend did not go without its fair share of amusing people on the road...and well off the road too.

I arrived in Pittsburgh, PA an hour ahead of schedule. I was greeted by a woman at the David L Lawrence Convention Center with a bit of a Napolean Complex.

I had wandered inside to briefly de thaw my fingers (it was 19 degrees), and call my parents. Apparently my mother's internal GPS was broken and they had ended up an hour North of PIT and were running late to get me. The woman at the convention center rushed over and looked at me like I was the scum of the earth and said "shew...outside...we're not the bus station". To which I rolled my eyes and kindly replied "welcome to Pittsburgh to you too". Afterall it was the first time I had ever been to Pittsburgh.

I stood outside, freezing and waited for my parents. They arrived about 40 minutes later. We loaded up and headed west on I-70. It started snowing...lightly, then heavier, then white out.

We putzed along, being bypassed by drivers in SUV's with alter egos and a death wish. 1 car, 2 car, 3 cars, and more...skidding, spinning and crashing into the median.

We finally made it home and everyone went straight to bed.

Saturday I braved 4 five year old boys in Pizza Hut for a birthday party. This was followed by 20 minutes in the 20 degree car that wouldn't start because of a microchip in the key. The solution...my dad instructed, "take the key out, wipe it on your pants, and wait three minutes"...it worked!

Sunday has been a day for obsurd people. This morning I had a near run in with the pine tree at the end of our drive. Skidding, flying and screaming on the sled my son and I managed to escape the Sonny Bono minute with only a few lost boots and pants full of snow. Perhaps Mommy is a bad sled driver?

We hustled in out of the 3 degree weather to warm up when we heard a loud boom. We looked out the window to see our, obviously mentally deficient, neighbor firing a muzzle loader at our property and an area where my son commonly plays on his tire swing. The nerve of this nut...and obviously no common sense.

I loaded up about noon and headed back to PIT. This time I decided to wait in the car to stay warm. While we were waiting an SUV pulled in, in front of us.

As they backed in, a man with an infant passed quickly behind they're car. Doors flung open and people unloaded like clowns. They proceeded to load the baby, grab the huggies from the trunk, and then SERIOUSLY the driver exited, rounded the car grabbed a Budweiser from the Bud Cooler and jumped back in the passenger seat. Again, only in PA do you see the driver grabbing a Bud and the passengers packing a baby in the back seat.

I finally loaded the bus...no wifi...so now I'm left only to hope that the old Blackberry will find me some Eagles football footage!

Are we there yet? Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


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