No Beer In Sight...Just Tail Lights

In a precautionary measure, I left work a little early to head into the I-495 abyss. I headed north for BWI airport. ETOA 1hour, 30 minutes. However, if one is from Northern Virginia you realize that it is rush hour 24 hours a day. In fact, if we added a few casinos we could give Vegas a run for their money as "the city that never sleeps". I waved hello to my familiar friends...the construction sign, the wreck, and the occasional decorative flare. Traffic was at a stand still. My flight was not scheduled to depart until 7:50, but at the rate I was moving I was going to be lucky to make that (mind you it was 4:30 at this time). I decided to pull a covert move and sneak up the BW Parkway instead of I-95. It might have saved me. I arrived at BWI, hopped the shuttle bus full of disappointingly, uninteresting people and rushed for security.

A group of TSA's in training passed by. One of which said "that's ok, she knows I can't spell anyhow". Now I love my federal govies...and refuse to poke fun...but one in uniform should be more cautious of the word coming out of his/her mouth. At security I heard an announcement "All Underwear Must Go Through The Scanners"....huh? I looked at the guy next to me and said "did he just say our underwear have to go through the scanner"? The guy laughed and said "No, OUTERWEAR". I could have taken them literally and stripped down to my underwear (thereby removing all outer wear), but I figured that might have given the French gentleman behind me a mild heart attack. I proceeded through security and again was disappointed to not get a pat down. Darn. Anyhow, I thought about thanking the fine TSA man for his dedicated service to our country....but he looked a little grumpy so I figured I better not. I rushed towards the gate....NO BEER in sight. Where's that guy from Pittsburgh when ya nee him?

Oh well. I settled for water and a late boarding. Off on the road again. Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


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