Georgia on My Mind

We began our final descent into Augusta National airport around 11:45 pm. There was a sharp bank to the left, another to the right, and then a nose dive. An alarm began to ring, "beep, beep, beep". Like something out of the movies that warns of impending doom.
I was seated in seat 1A in the front of the plane. The flight attendant was seated in the jumpseat, and tightened his seat belt as he muttered, "uh oh, were coming in too fast".
"What? Is that what that alarm is," I asked.
"Oh yeah, it happens like every other time we fly in here," he said.
The plane continued its rapid descent, whining and screaming like a bad dream. I Could have done without the flight attendants explanation, I thought to myself, as we continued down.
Finally, a thud, and a safe landing. I exited the plane in a hurry. I was anxious to get away from the curry smelling passenger next to me, and the fear of the final landing.
Sticky Augusta air greeted me as I climbed down the steps and onto the tar mac. Luggage was slow to exit the belly of the plane, and after collecting my carry on luggage I headed into the terminal.

I might have slightly overslept. Groggy I headed to the shower of the historical apartment around 10:00 am.

I love spending time here. M's house is historical with modern appointments, and tends to emit a solemn, relaxing mood regardless of the time of day.

The phone rang while I was drying off. It was the local hair salon, Michelle James Creations. They could fit me in. Hoooray.

Without a car, I called the local taxi service and headed over to Surry Center, a cute little plaza with mid-end stores and dining.

Along the way, I shared stories with the cab driver. He had moved to Augusta 3 years prior to escape the grips of the Northern cold. (Another one of those people that I've met that for some reason just sticks with me).

I headed into the salon and settled in for a mental health break. They were kind and courteous. The receptionist scurried around and brought me a great cup of coffee.

Two hours later I looked like myself again and headed around the corner to a little place called Tacosushi.

It is a quirky restaurant. One side of the menu is mexican, the other sushi. I ordered flash fried sushi and the sexy salad. Both were amazing, as usual. Tacosushi arguably has the best sushi on the East Coast, at least out of everywhere I've been.

Following lunch, sadly my mental health break was over and I headed back to M's place to finish up so e-mails and school work.

Feeling relaxed, work accomplished, I packed my bags and geared up for the drive to Myrtle Beach, SC.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


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